About Us
In the College of Education and Human Development, we have three departments and one school:
- Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI)
- Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership (EDFL)
- Department of Counseling (COUN)
- School of Kinesiology (KNES)
The College of Education and Human Development offers six undergraduate degree programs, three master's degree programs, and one doctoral program. The College of Education and Human Development boast approximately 1,500 students with an average of 300 students graduating each year. The College of Education and Human Development also offers the Certification-Only Program: Alternative Path to Certification and several Graduate Certificates.
The College of Education and Human Development has been nationally accredited since 1954 by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and was the first university in the state of Louisiana to receive this honor. In 2013, NCATE and TEAC consolidated into Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The College of Education and Human Development adheres to the certification requirements of the Louisiana Department of Education. Courses in the College of Education and Human Development help prepare candidate to be successful on the Praxis Series tests and the School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). Candidates have multiple opportunities to successfully complete these tests.
The College of Education and Human Development at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is one of the largest providers of certified teachers in the state of Louisiana. Additionally, the College of Education and Human Development offers a variety of career paths through the School of Kinesiology for those working in an allied health profession or a certification profession, such as an occupational therapist, physical therapist, athletic trainer, sport management, exercise and fitness director, cardiac rehab, or physician’s assistant. Our programs are designed to provide our candidates with an up-to-date knowledge base.
Undergraduates in the teacher preparation program are called candidates. The ultimate goal of the program is to prepare candidate to have a positive impact on student learning in the classroom. Our belief is that education should be a seamless transition from preschool to 16+. To support this belief, we use a variety of highly effective teaching methods, engage in hands-on experiences, participate in performance-based learning, and design multiple methods of assessment.
Undergraduates in both the teacher preparation program and the kinesiology program participate in some form of hands-on experience, like clinical rotations, internships in health or sport management settings, field experiences, and the teacher residency. The real-world, on-the-job experience begins with entry into the program and continues until graduation.
Find out more information about our camps, centers, labs, services, and grants:
- Center for Excellence in Education (CEE)
- Center for Gifted Education
- Center for Innovative Learning and Assessment Technologies (CILAT)
- Child Motor Development Lab
- Computer Camps-Robotics Camp and Movie Making Camp
- Computer Lab
- Gear-Up Grant
- Reading Center
- Teacher Preparation Student Support Services
- Instructional Materials Center
- Kinesiology Labs
- Watermark Learning & Licensure